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What's New at School?

DAYTON-The 2020-21 school year is quickly beginning to wrap up. Students are itching to get outside and enjoy their summer break. While it is a rollercoaster of good and bad emotions the seniors are ready to throw up their caps, and begin their new journeys after high school. As the year is coming closer and closer to an end, the ASB council is giving Dayton High School (DHS) one last hoorah before the senior council members must say goodbye.

This week, there will be a variety of fun activities and dress-up days for DHS. The week is being titled "Spring Spirit Week: To the Future and Beyond", the school will be decorated in an outer-space theme including planets, stars, aliens, and anything else to do with space. Monday's activity may be one of the biggest roles in the decoration; each class will be able to paint one of the four columns in the high school commons as according to the outer-space theme, and enjoy the comfort of Pajama Day while doing so. Ordinarily, this activity is called "pole painting", and is done during homecoming week in the fall. The poles are painted according to the theme of the homecoming dance.

On Tuesday the students and staff get to wear a jersey or any sports gear of their choice. Along with this they will have access to a food truck during lunch time, a treat that is guaranteed to be a big hit. Wednesday will bring Tie Dye day, to wear their best colorful tie dye gear. This day will be a little more relaxed, with a simple ice cream social as the activity of the day.

As a contrast to Wednesday, Thursday will be an exciting day for DHS when yet another amazing pep rally will take place on the front lawn. Because the last pep assembly was such a big hit, how could they go wrong with another? To add to the pep-rally spirit, the dress-up theme of the day will be Class Color Day. Each class has been assigned a color to wear as they root for their classmates in the pep rally competitions.

To top off the exciting week, the students of DHS will have the activity many have been waiting for all year; Stud Volleyball! After its cancellation during Homecoming Week, the boys and girls were very disappointed that their preparation had gone to waste, so it was more than necessary to give them another shot. As always, the dress-up theme of the day will be the classic "Gender-Bender". As an interesting twist, there will also be a presentation of the 2021 Prom court before the competition begins. Because there will be no prom this year, the presentation and crowning of Prom royalty will take place in order to honor the senior class.