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What's New at School?

Spring brings inspiration

DAYTON–School has gotten back into its groove after spring break two weeks ago with renewed determination to get traditional spring plans on track.

Before break, Dayton High School (DHS) had established a great footing with a successful homecoming spirit week, and since the return from spring break, some exciting events have taken place, or have begun to come together.

Just two days after returning from spring break on Tuesday, April 13, the annual SAT test was held in the high school library. The SAT is a test which only the junior class takes every year. This test and the scores students receive from it are usually very important to a student’s future, as it affects their eligibility for certain Universities.

However, this year many colleges are not requiring SAT scores for admittance, due to the cancellation of SAT testing last spring. Students are not required to take the test, but it is also a very valuable opportunity for those considering a four-year college education.

This year the junior class committed themselves to this test, by attending SAT Prep classes every Saturday morning for one month. These classes, provided by the Gear Up program, packed loads of testing strategies, extra tutoring, and lots of practice testing into the Juniors’ heads in order to give them a huge advantage on test day. Big tests, and school in general can be very stressful, but that is why the DHS Associated Student Body (ASB) is yet again hard at work on another fun spirit week for their school.

This spirit week was inspired by the school-wide desire for a “Stud Volleyball” tournament, after it was unfortunately canceled during Homecoming Week. What the ASB Council is calling “Spring Spirit Week” will take place mid-May, and is expected to contain dress-up days, class pole-painting, a food truck day, field night, another spectacular pep-rally, and of course, Stud Volleyball. Best of all, the space-themed spring spirit week is being planned not only by the current ASB Council, but by the future council members as well, to prepare them for next year’s endeavors.