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Port Commission to review Comprehensive Plan

DAYTON-Port of Columbia Commissioners toured Lyons Ferry Marina before reviewing the Comprehensive Plan at the meeting June 8.

Port Commissioners Genie Crowe and Seth Bryan toured Port asset Lyons Ferry Marina and then were joined by fellow Commissioner Johnny Walker for the meeting. Executive Director Jennie Dickinson proposed a review of the Comprehensive Plan with the help of a consultant to make revisions. This was in part spurred because of the presentation last month given on housing by the Community Council in Walla Walla after which Bryan suggested they investigate selling Port land for developing. The other Commissioners agreed, and Dickinson said she would find out what is within the Port’s right to do.

Since the Commissioners have now seen all the Port properties, Dickinson thought they should review the Comprehensive Plan with the help of a consultant. “You look at what we have, said Dickinson. “You look at what assets we have and how we could be using them. You dream about what we want to see. You look at the feasibility of things and what is really possible. All of these are supposed to be done with public input...once a plan is written you have to hold a public hearing for it to be approved. That document is what guides the work of Port staff so that we know what direction we’re headed, and we can start work.”

Attorney Kim Boggs was present online and explained that these plans are required by the State for all Ports since they are responsible for managing public assets. The plans ensure strategic planning while following statutes. A professional consultant is needed to help in the “proof in process” considering the assets in place and/or those which will be acquired. Ports are limited to work that is laid out in the plan and pursuing work outside of it has the potential of facing adverse legal or financial consequences.

The Commissioners agreed to advertise their request for proposals for a consultant to review the Comprehensive Plan.

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