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Pastor's Corner

More wonderful than life itself

A popular song entitled "The Cat Came Back" is about a Mr. Johnson who had personal troubles and desired to give his cat to a new home. He gave it to someone who lived far, far, away, but the cat came back the very next day. He then gave it to a woman who went up in a balloon and landed 90 miles away but the cat came back the very next day. After that he tried sending it out west but the train crashed, and yet the cat came back the very next day. Each time the cat came back the lyrics contain the phrase "he couldn't stay away."

Such a song, though humorous, speaks to the believers' relationship with God. We who have tasted His kindness and love have found Him to be more wonderful than life itself. His lovingkindness is actually better than life. The moments we spend enjoying His presence and love compel us to keep returning, even when we've (like the cat) gone through the most difficult circumstances in life. He is the missing piece of our life. The psalmist spoke to the Lord, saying, "At midnight I rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws" Ps. 119:62.

Jesus Himself modeled the discipline of personal, quiet fellowship with God. The Bible speaks of Him in this manner: "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed" Mk. 1:35.

The Lord wants to hear from you. He wants to make Himself known to your heart. He has so much to offer us each and every day. Be glad when you miss Him! Return to Him and enjoy the love, fullness, blessing, and salvation He has for you.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church