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Articles written by Greg Brownell

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  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 25, 2024

    Captain, an Alsatian dog, similar to a large Husky, slept loyally by his master's grave for 14 years before passing away. He disappeared after his master died but was found several months later when the family visited the cemetery. Captain had never been to the cemetery before. Cemetery neighbors fed him daily once they realized he slept at the grave of his master. The cemetery director said that when Captain showed up, all on his own, he wandered around until he eventually found his master's...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 18, 2024

    A well-known picture of Jesus knocking at the door has special meaning. There is no door knob on the outside of the door. It must be opened from within. Jesus doesn't barge in. He doesn't use a wrecking ball to gain entrance. His posture is relaxed and implies that He is gently knocking, intently awaiting our decision to His invitation. The painting illustrates the scripture in Rev. 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in, and...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 11, 2024

    Those who grew up watching westerns are accustomed to the phrase, "circle the wagons." It meant that when the covered wagon pioneers were in danger of attack or severe storms, they would place their wagons in a circle, providing a wall of protection against the foe. The phrase is used commonly these days to describe the need to take protective caution in one form or another. In this volatile world in which we live, it encourages us to know the Lord promises to encircle our path. "You hem me in b...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 11, 2024

    In 1963 Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first human-to-human heart transplant. The surgery was considered a success even though the patient only lived 18 days. When Jesus Christ comes into one's heart (the center of our spiritual and physical life) it results in eternal life, salvation, and transformation. In one of her books Christian fiction writer Janette Oke writes of a youth devotion that was given: "He (Troy) had several hearts to display to the group. A black one represented the...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 20, 2024

    It's sometimes difficult to get up and start the day. A small town experienced 39 degrees below zero temperatures and, in the morning, only one car in the whole town was operating. None of the other cars would start. The only one running was started before the extreme freeze (and was kept running) by a very wise person who knew how to prepare. Starting our day off takes preparation. Jesus started his day off rising early in the morning and finding a solitary place where He could commune with...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 13, 2024

    The boys were happy when their mother wrapped Christmas gifts because it not only meant presents to come, but also the joy of playing sword fights with the empty cardboard wrapping tube. They played swords in a harmless fashion that gave them joy, though the flimsy cardboard tube easily gave way and was quickly destroyed. God's Word is a sword that will never be destroyed. Neither does it give way. It always accomplishes the purpose for which God sends it. It is a victorious and effective Word....

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 6, 2024

    Puppet shows are fun! Though ventriloquists are not as popular as they were at one time, it is still fun to watch them. My youngest brother kept us in stitches with his ability to share his own personality through the "puppet dummy" he used to perform. The puppet was necessary, but it was my brother's voice and character performing through it. We aren't puppets but we do experience the Lord performing His purpose and desires through us. We are given free will as his Divine creation to yield to...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|May 30, 2024

    Jesus asked "when the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?" Lk. 18:8. He desires our belief and trust. It surprised me to learn that gold is used in cancer treatment. Experts claim that very small gold particles are excellent in carrying cancer-killing protein. They also distribute the protein without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Gold is an effective conductor. Understanding this procedure is beyond me but the Bible speaks of our faith in the Lord as being "much more precious than...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|May 2, 2024

    Our dog looked like a coyote. When I asked the veterinarian what kind of a dog he was, she said, "A coyote." To this day I'm not sure if she was being truthful, or joking around. If he was part coyote, he sure was timid. He enjoyed the berries that are prevalent on the river dike but he wouldn't stick his muzzle into the bush to retrieve the berry because of the thorns. Instead, he'd stand there, look at me, and wait for me to reach into the thorns (sometimes painfully) to get him what he...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Apr 18, 2024

    The young couple often picnicked in the cemetery overlooking Dayton. They explained that though many would think it a strange location, they enjoyed the peaceful quietness and the green beauty surrounding them. It was of note that they could be so comfortable in a place where many would be troubled. They attributed their attitude to their personal belief in Jesus Christ who promised to raise the dead. The cemetery held no fear for them. Death seemed to be their friend. Their attitude was very...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Apr 4, 2024

    The young couple often picnicked in the cemetery overlooking Dayton. They explained that though many would think it a strange location, they enjoyed the peaceful quietness and the green beauty surrounding them. It was of note that they could be so comfortable in a place where many would be troubled. They attributed their attitude to their personal belief in Jesus Christ who promised to raise the dead. The cemetery held no fear for them. Death seemed to be their friend. Their attitude was very...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Mar 28, 2024

    DAYTON–Nearly thirty years ago Susie and I made a trip to Dayton to be interviewed, which would determine if we would Pastor here. On the way we came across a few sheep on the main highway a couple miles out of town. We stopped, moved the sheep off the road, found the owner, and helped them back to their pen. In all the trips we've made on that highway since, we've never again come across sheep on the road. I believe the Lord was calling us to Dayton to help care for His sheep. Jesus spoke of t...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Mar 21, 2024

    Nearly thirty years ago Susie and I made a trip to Dayton to be interviewed, which would determine if we would Pastor here. On the way we came across a few sheep on the main highway a couple miles out of town. We stopped, moved the sheep off the road, found the owner, and helped them back to their pen. In all the trips we've made on that highway since, we've never again come across sheep on the road. I believe the Lord was calling us to Dayton to help care for His sheep. Jesus spoke of the...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Mar 7, 2024

    A young man borrowed his brothers' car and on a sharp corner lost control. The car came to rest upside down in a 12-foot-deep ditch. Though he was able to climb out of the car safely, he'd been careless with what belonged to another. There are occasions when we borrow what belongs to another and it may become damaged in our care. If we are going to borrow from another, we need to be careful and respectful with it. God's Word is His Word. We must handle it, live it, and walk in it carefully. His...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Feb 29, 2024

    We are unable to fully appreciate the magnitude of God's protective, loving care for us. "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" Ecc. 3:22-23. The 3-year-old little girl had enjoyed treats from the ice cream truck and had learned to recognize its coming. When she heard its cheerful music, she simply leaped off the top of the porch into midair towards its approach. Her father happened to be seat...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Feb 22, 2024

    In the story "Acres of Diamonds" a farmer heard about other farmers who became wealthy by discovering diamond mines. He sells his farm to search for diamonds himself. Unable to find any, he became depressed and drowned himself. The irony of the story is that the farm he sold was later discovered to have one of the most productive diamond mines in Africa. The "acres of diamonds" were in his backyard all the time! We don't have to travel to the ends of the earth to be blessed! The Lord blesses us...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jan 18, 2024

    Pressure cookers have become very popular, only now some of them are called "instant pots." They cook faster while sealing in the flavor using pressure and heat. When the food is done, it is important to use the "pressure release valve" before opening the lid or injury and burns can result. Life can be like a pressure cooker. We can feel overwhelmed with worries, responsibilities, deadlines, demands, and fears that it all may go wrong. We need a "pressure release valve" that will release us from...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jan 11, 2024

    Family members laughed with excitement and the many horses present neighed as 250 Amish men lifted and carried a large barn 150 feet to a new location. It only took two minutes and forty seconds for the "hands on lifting up" to be completed on the Hochstetter farm in Ohio. Stepping in unison, hands filled with the portion they could carry, they moved a very large barn! These men provide us with a living picture of the scripture that says "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jan 4, 2024

    It is common to be asked, "How goes the battle?" At times daily life is a fierce battle. In welcoming the New Year, we are aware that there will be battles to face. In the past, horses that carried soldiers into armed battle were called "War Horses." Sometimes they even wore armor. They were often trained to kick and bite and were adept at knowing the wishes of their master by sensing the lean of his body, allowing the rider to free his hands from the reins. We are in a battle of the heart and...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Pastor Greg Brownell|Dec 28, 2023

    As part of the pre-game activities at the Army–Navy football game a formal "prisoner exchange" takes place. The prisoners are the cadets and midshipmen who spent the entire semester studying at the sister academy. In other words, they left their academy to live with their most intense football rivals for an entire semester. As they rejoined their friends they were embraced with great celebration. Watching this tradition, I was reminded that Jesus left His Heavenly home to come live among us. H...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Dec 21, 2023

    A particular Dad attending his children’s Christmas program felt left out of the celebration. His unbelieving heart didn’t allow for the excitement and joy that his wife, children, and others were experiencing. It’s no fun being locked out of a celebration while watching others enjoy it. Many have difficulty enjoying Christmas. As wonderful as Christmas can be, some have said, “I can’t wait for it to be over!” It can be such a busy time that they feel overwhelmed by all their responsibilities. Others dread being around certain family memb...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Dec 14, 2023

    When a lady unexpectedly dropped off a tasty crockpot meal with an unsuspecting family, she surprised them even further by saying, “And keep the crockpot! I don’t want it back!” When another lady was complimented for her nice purse, she emptied it of its belongings and handed it to the stranger. She said, “I get the most enjoyment out of things by giving them away” (a practice she often repeats). Jesus Christ taught giving in love. He said, “Freely you have received. Freely give” Mt. 10:8. At this Christmas season we celebrate God’s giving....

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Dec 7, 2023

    Years ago, Paul Harvey reported the story of a road grader operator who became aware that a nearby ambulance wouldn’t get the critical accident victim to the hospital in time. Taking matters into his own hands he plowed through a fence row and made a road that cut off the time and distance to the hospital. It was later he learned that the patient he helped save was his own daughter. The Bible teaches we “reap what we sow.” In such a personal way, the road grader operator reaped the benefits of what he had sown. The same is true of inves...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Nov 30, 2023

    A young Dayton serviceman stationed in California shared that he was discouraged. He missed home. He missed Dayton. He happened to be in a public place where a radio was broadcasting the news. Strangely, a small, insignificant item was mentioned about Dayton, Wash. A warm, homey feeling crept over him. He took that news report as a special gift and was encouraged. The Bible says, "Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land" Prov. 25:25. It is inestimable what a timely word...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Nov 23, 2023

    A rancher told those of us sitting in the Doctor's waiting room that raising buffalo was more challenging than raising cattle. He said you couldn't rope and lead a buffalo like a cow, but that they could be led by laying out hay when they were hungry. The hungry buffalo would walk along, consuming the row of hay and end up being where the rancher wanted him to be. The rancher's explanation reminded me of the verse, "God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance" Ro. 2:4. The Lord leads...

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