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Pastor's Corner

Live for the glory of the One who loves us

Puppet shows are fun! Though ventriloquists are not as popular as they were at one time, it is still fun to watch them. My youngest brother kept us in stitches with his ability to share his own personality through the "puppet dummy" he used to perform. The puppet was necessary, but it was my brother's voice and character performing through it.

We aren't puppets but we do experience the Lord performing His purpose and desires through us. We are given free will as his Divine creation to yield to Him as instruments and channels. Instead of choosing to live for the evil desires of this world we live for the glory of the One who loves us and gave His own son to die for us on the cross. The Bible says, "Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to Him as an instrument of righteousness" Ro. 6:13.

We offer ourselves to the Lord as those who've been brought from death into life. We have been forgiven. We have been blessed by His love made known to our hearts through the gospel. With joy and appreciation, we offer every part of ourselves to be His, yielded to His glory and purpose in becoming His instruments and channels to the very world that we live in, even to our families, neighbors, and friends.

May the Lord be glorified in every part of our life.

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