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Articles written by greg brownell

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  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Dec 14, 2023

    When a lady unexpectedly dropped off a tasty crockpot meal with an unsuspecting family, she surprised them even further by saying, “And keep the crockpot! I don’t want it back!” When another lady was complimented for her nice purse, she emptied it of its belongings and handed it to the stranger. She said, “I get the most enjoyment out of things by giving them away” (a practice she often repeats). Jesus Christ taught giving in love. He said, “Freely you have received. Freely give” Mt. 10:8. At this Christmas season we celebrate God’s giving....

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Dec 7, 2023

    Years ago, Paul Harvey reported the story of a road grader operator who became aware that a nearby ambulance wouldn’t get the critical accident victim to the hospital in time. Taking matters into his own hands he plowed through a fence row and made a road that cut off the time and distance to the hospital. It was later he learned that the patient he helped save was his own daughter. The Bible teaches we “reap what we sow.” In such a personal way, the road grader operator reaped the benefits of what he had sown. The same is true of inves...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Nov 30, 2023

    A young Dayton serviceman stationed in California shared that he was discouraged. He missed home. He missed Dayton. He happened to be in a public place where a radio was broadcasting the news. Strangely, a small, insignificant item was mentioned about Dayton, Wash. A warm, homey feeling crept over him. He took that news report as a special gift and was encouraged. The Bible says, "Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land" Prov. 25:25. It is inestimable what a timely word...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Nov 23, 2023

    A rancher told those of us sitting in the Doctor's waiting room that raising buffalo was more challenging than raising cattle. He said you couldn't rope and lead a buffalo like a cow, but that they could be led by laying out hay when they were hungry. The hungry buffalo would walk along, consuming the row of hay and end up being where the rancher wanted him to be. The rancher's explanation reminded me of the verse, "God's kindness is intended to lead you to repentance" Ro. 2:4. The Lord leads...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Nov 16, 2023

    Even Christians stumble and fall in their relationship with their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must honor God’s promise that when we acknowledge our sins to Him, He truly forgives us. We are promised: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”(1 Jn. 1:9). We are not honoring His faithful character to forgive us when we keep poking ourselves for something we are ashamed of in our past. We are not honoring His faithful and loving character when we allow our minds to d...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Nov 9, 2023

    Mom's wooden mixing spoon was often used on our backsides. Though she didn't paddle too hard, it was her choice instrument for disciplining us kids. My siblings and I became skillful at hiding the spoon from her or "accidentally" breaking it when we knew that discipline was coming. The strange thing is that the very instrument that brought the sting of discipline was also instrumental in bringing us tasty dishes to eat. She used the spoon to mix up cakes, pies, meat loafs, and tasty casseroles....

  • Pastor's Corner

    Pastor Greg Brownell|Oct 26, 2023

    A friend noticed a small pair of bronze shoes on the mantle and asked what they were. I responded with the truth: they were my baby shoes my parents had bronzed many years ago. My friend didn't believe me. As unaccustomed as he was to what was at one time a common practice, he thought I was making a joke. I wasn't. In the past parents sometimes had their baby's first shoes bronzed because they represented a time that was special to their family. The attractively preserved shoes spoke of a time...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Oct 12, 2023

    We never know how much a kind greeting or warm hello can mean to someone who is going through a difficult time. A dad and his son were both in the service during wartime, serving in different locations. Not having seen each other for months and being concerned for each other's safety, they caught a quick glimpse of each other across the airport tarmac as they were each boarding flights to different places of duty. Their excitement was expressed in wild two-handed waves and smiles as each stood...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Oct 5, 2023

    Prior to his conversion, the Apostle Paul (under the name of Saul) was responsible for the imprisonment of Christians, some of them being put to death. The Lord got ahold of him and he became a new creation in Christ. Paul referred to himself as "the chief of sinners" to whom God had shown His long-suffering mercy. There may be times when we need to be reminded that the Lord loves every person and desires them to be saved, regardless of what they've done or how horrible they have been. There...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Sep 28, 2023

    Strange things happen with the telephone. Years ago, I hung up the phone after a visit with one of our church ladies. Later, when I went to make a call, I heard distant voices (which I recognized) on the other end, seemingly visiting together. It took a moment for me to realize that the call I'd made earlier was still connected. I spoke loudly into the phone repeatedly to ask them to properly hang up their phone (so I could make a call) but they couldn't hear me. The experience was a blessing....

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Sep 7, 2023

    My wife and I were alarmed at the conclusion of a church conference when a Pastor took off for home, forgetting his wife. He left her stranded in the church yard. She calmly stated that he often forgot her. She said that he would eventually remember and return for her. It's hard to imagine that kind of forgetfulness. The Bible tells of a woman who forgot. She was so taken by Jesus' words of living water that she went to tell others "leaving her water jar". She forgot her valuable and needed wate...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Aug 31, 2023

    Recently an airline pilot made national news as a video recorded him taking an ax to a mechanical crossing arm that kept him from driving into a special part of the airport. As he struck with the ax again and again, he was expressing the frustration we often face when we are forced to wait, and we see no reason for it. Being patient while waiting can be difficult. There's nothing special about having to wait. We all must wait, whether it is in a doctor's office, grocery checkout line, or at a...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Aug 24, 2023

    The drill sergeant confronted the new recruit and asked him, "What's the most important thing a soldier can learn?" The recruit wondered if he should say that it was shooting well, hand-to-hand combat, or marching straight. Before he could answer, the gruff sergeant said, "The most important thing a soldier can learn is to obey!" Servicemen and women are required to obey even when they may not understand the orders. Jesus Christ Himself learned what it means to obey. He "humbled Himself by...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Aug 17, 2023

    A popular song entitled "The Cat Came Back" is about a Mr. Johnson who had personal troubles and desired to give his cat to a new home. He gave it to someone who lived far, far, away, but the cat came back the very next day. He then gave it to a woman who went up in a balloon and landed 90 miles away but the cat came back the very next day. After that he tried sending it out west but the train crashed, and yet the cat came back the very next day. Each time the cat came back the lyrics contain th...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Aug 3, 2023

    A humorous story tells of three very old friends visiting. One shared that his eyesight was failing. Another said he could hardly hear anymore. The third said he was having trouble walking. The first one said, “Yeah, but at least we can all still drive!” (watch out!) It encourages us to come across people who joyfully proclaim that though they are growing old, their enjoyment of life is richer than ever. Some complain miserably about getting older. It is true that our bones may ache more, our eyesight dims, our steps are slower and our hea...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 27, 2023

    We may find ourselves being tempted to be unfaithful to the Lord when we least expect it. Our relationship with the Lord may be stronger than ever and still we find ourselves severely tempted. The Bible says “all temptation is common to man.” Even Jesus was “tempted in every way, just as we are - yet He did not sin” Heb. 4:15. The “tempter,” the Devil, has lots of practice at his craft and he works very hard. His methods may vary from one time to the next. Motivated by a hunger to destroy, he may surprise us with a new tactic we hadn’t seen...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 20, 2023

    We were watching the runners pass by our home during the Touchet River Run and we noticed the leaders were very fast and seemed intent on winning. They were followed by a group of home-town people who we would see daily running the Dayton roads. Next was the group of all ages who smiled as they enjoyed the scenery and waved to those watching the race. Following them came the handicapped and elderly who were just as earnest as the others. As they went out of sight, the orange cones that directed...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 13, 2023

    A particular orchard along the Snake River (Penawawa), offers sweet peaches. Still productive, generations have availed themselves to the delicious fruit, coming back year after year. For many it started when they were young children climbing up into the lower branches of the tree, propping themselves in place as they devoured the delicious peaches, letting the juice drip down from their mouths onto their dresses and white T-shirts. The peach stain became a reminder of how sweet the peaches...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jul 6, 2023

    A young lady answering the knock at the door heard the voice of a prisoner she and others had been praying for on the outside of the door. Instead of opening the door she excitedly ran back to the prayer group and said, "Peter is at the door." Though they had been praying for his release, they said, "you are out of your mind!" Peter kept knocking until they finally opened the door. They saw him and were astonished" Acts. 12:12-16. Peter went on to tell them the miracle of his prison release. Sad...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 29, 2023

    Gary experienced hardship in life. He was molested at age 7. At age 11 he was afflicted with spinal meningitis which crippled him for three years. After becoming an award-winning music producer, (working with the Association, Paul Revere and the Raiders, among many others) he was shot three times by hitmen, nearly ending his life. Gary recognized his need for God and asked Jesus Christ into his life. Following that decision, he spent the rest of his life using his talents in Gospel music. Gary...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 22, 2023

    In past years the pump section of certain church pump organs was behind a partition. While the musician was playing the keys, there was an unseen, often unnamed person vigorously pumping the bellows, building up the air pressure for the musician to make music. On one occasion, after the crowd honored the musician for beautiful playing, the pump assistant was offended because he felt unappreciated. He stopped pumping. The musician was helpless to continue. Try as he might, he had nothing to...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 15, 2023

    A cafeteria worker shared a secret for instilling in her customers a deeper appreciation for her food. She whispered to me, "I make them smell it for a while before I serve it. It makes them hungrier and more appreciative." I don't know how many tricks she had, but she definitely understood how important it was for hunger to be stimulated. The Lord appreciates a deep hunger for Him. His Word says, "Blessed (meaning "happy") are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|Jun 8, 2023

    Jesus spoke of a rich man who thought he could look forward to many years of comfort and wealth. Jesus said, "The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.' Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." "But God...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|May 25, 2023

    We often sing a hymn that contains the phrase, "like the prophet, my pillow a stone" (referring to Jacob resting his head on a stone). Most of us know what it's like to drag ourselves through the day because we didn't sleep well the night before. The difficulty sleeping may have nothing to do with an uncomfortable pillow but with an uncomfortable heart. We may be missing the personal fellowship with the Lord that He designed us for. He may be prompting us to be attentive and awake to Him more th...

  • Pastor's Corner

    Greg Brownell|May 18, 2023

    Imagine a camel trying to squeeze himself through the eye of a small needle. The picture presents a ridiculous impossibility. Yet Jesus drew that very picture with His words, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" Mt. 19:23. Because money can buy so many things, wealthy people are especially vulnerable to thinking they can even buy their way into heaven. We can't buy our way into salvation or use our wealth to redeem...

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