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Pastor's Corner

Obey and be spared pain and sorrow

The drill sergeant confronted the new recruit and asked him, "What's the most important thing a soldier can learn?" The recruit wondered if he should say that it was shooting well, hand-to-hand combat, or marching straight. Before he could answer, the gruff sergeant said, "The most important thing a soldier can learn is to obey!"

Servicemen and women are required to obey even when they may not understand the orders. Jesus Christ Himself learned what it means to obey. He "humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death–even the death on a cross" Phi. 2:8.

Jesus said, "Anyone who loves Me will obey My teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them" John 14:23.

Sometimes obeying the Lord cuts across the grain of what we understand and opposes what we would really like to do. However, when the Lord gave the 10 commandments, He didn't refer to them as the 10 suggestions. God knows best. He loves us. Loving Him means obeying Him. He is Lord. The Lord addressed the Hebrews through Moses and told them that all of His commands were given "for their own good" Deut. 10:13

We are spared so much pain and sorrow when we surrender our will to the Lord in obedience. God's will doesn't stand in our way to trap us or deprive us of something good. The Lord stands in our behalf to lead us to richer pastures, opening a new door to abundant and joyful living.