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Pastor's Corner

A particular Dad attending his children’s Christmas program felt left out of the celebration. His unbelieving heart didn’t allow for the excitement and joy that his wife, children, and others were experiencing. It’s no fun being locked out of a celebration while watching others enjoy it.

Many have difficulty enjoying Christmas. As wonderful as Christmas can be, some have said, “I can’t wait for it to be over!” It can be such a busy time that they feel overwhelmed by all their responsibilities. Others dread being around certain family members and may be wrapped up only in the material aspect involved, lacking appreciation for the genuine reason for Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Savior, into the world.

The bright light and tensile only serve to magnify the size of the hole in their heart.

Jesus spoke of the difficulty of a camel entering the eye of a needle - yet He said that “All things are possible with God.” Like the camel, it is impossible for an unbeliever in their lost condition to enter the fullness of joy and celebration a believer in Christ experiences daily. But all things are possible with God! The unbeliever can believe and turn to the Lord!

Jesus Christ was born “to save the people from their sins.” He came to “seek and to save that which was lost”! That night, that Dad attending his children’s Christmas program, sensed the void in his heart, the guilt of his sins, and the saving love of Jesus Christ. Then and there he asked Jesus Christ to come into his life to be his Savior and Lord. The lockout ended and the joy of knowing Jesus Christ as His Savior began to flow within Him. With God, nothing is impossible.

~Merry Christmas~

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church